
Friday, March 5, 2010

The Apartment from Hell.

I've realised that our mommies ROCK. THE END.

No no, there is more!

So yeah, the reason for this epiphany is, I have a friend, who is basically a rat. She lies to live in a little dusty hole. For someone as brilliant as her she can be extraordinarily strange. So we decided to go one day and help her settle into her new place.
The flat has 3 rooms [one bedroom, one kitchen and store room of sorts], and also a living room sort of space. And since it is temporary she has occupied just the bedroom. It sounds fine for now. But believe me when we entered the room our reactions were accompanied by Bernard Herrmann's score from the movie Psycho .
Clothes strewn everywhere, food crumbs and dust mingled to form little semi-edible dust bunnies and the woman herself unwashed fit into the whole scene. As I was going through her suitcases , I not only found unused toiletries and groceries that were long forgotten but also certain unmentionables stuffed in between. And I would like to mention that there were a LOT of unmentionables. And one of them was so unmentionable that I had to just mention about the unmentionablementionableunmentionable.
So one of us [Shreya Sen Enterprise] took over organising the shelves and was having a difficult time getting the ratwoman to DE-clutter. She found importance not only in old labels from clothes but also expired lotions, sunscreens, toothpaste and even a half-squeezed jam tube. And the more I discovered hidden treasure from her dusty bags , the more she tried to keep them all. But at the end she managed to make it look beautiful. Infact it was the only nice looking part of the room.

Then there was the whimsical kitty of the lot [ Diya Sinha (they specifically asked me use their surnames.. :| need new friends)] who lay on the bed and made new lyrics like 'The Blue man from Pluto who stole a rat", or something like that. And inbetween it all she also managed to pass her opinions as we cleaned. Finally she did fold a stack full of clothes. So good for you, kitty kat. Mommy would be proud.

And when I sweeped the room there was enough dirt for 3 rats to live in. Yay to rats. And after we took of the mattress cover it stank. So basically she has a neat but smelly bed.

So after one and a half our of trying to make her place liveable [it still needs work, though] we returned to our own homes thanking the good Lord for our mommies who may seem paranoid about cleaning but it's genuine concern so that we do not live as rats. Praise your mommy. Please please clean up your rooms once in a while. I know I will.

p.s- we'll be doing the cleaning up every month till she moves.
p.p.s- I hope we do.
p.p.p.s- I like p.s-ing. :D YAY!