
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ma also blogs :P

This I made after a conversation with my mother yesterday. :D

p.s I did let her read my blog.
She did not like it much :|

Friday, July 15, 2011

Homo *giggle* Ludens

I do not know why I keep doing this to myself.

I download Homo Ludens.
Adobe Reader tells me it is of a mere 227 pages.
I, ecstatic, log into my Facebook account for random happy status updates.
Oh this will be a piece of chocolate cake. 227 pages, ppfft.
I get a call to recieve a package.
THE KITE RUNNER, my favourite book from my favourite uncle.
I read.
Ma grunts disapprovingly.
Fine, Homo Ludens it is. :|

I start. Page 4.
Characteristics of Play.
French words.
More French words.
English words?

I consult my class notes.
Wha..? I have no class notes.

Tan tannaa taaa WIKIPEDIA
:O what the .. sigh.

Okay okay..Homo Ludens I can do this.
WHAT? who is this Frobenius?

I give up.

Homo Ludens
I sit with it AGAIN.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

M.A *gulp*

So I did not get through JNU. Shocking, I know :P
But a friend (read: class topper) did. She isn't going.
So we're all stuck doing our MA in the same place we did our BA.
Talk about variety and spices.

Anyway, getting past 'oh i am such a douche' phase, I realise M.A's not going to be easy, so I should quit whining and start reading up on things I can barely pronounce or spell.
I have observed that in spite of the course being about English Literature, there is an awful lot of Greek, Latin and French texts.

Speaking of which, I must read some unpronounceable text right now.
Oh also there have been newbees coming in from different universities in our class. They don't talk much, just study. Gulp.
Also most of them are girls. So i am going to be single for the next two years as well.



Bai :'(