
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Men men men

I've come to the conclusion that men are over rated. Ever since the 'Goblin Market'
class I have had the sudden re-realization that all men are just whiny, self-obsessed, narcissistic little cry babies. That's all what they do: boast,crib and cry. My recent conversation (like two hours ago) was with this male friend who wanted to whine about his girlfriend and how she has independent thought and he does not.
And, women? What's wrong with us? Look at us, why do we even succumb to these dick heads? Look, don't get me wrong. I am not a bitter old spinster living with 9 cats and a parrot (although, I will be in 20 years: more on that later)and this is not some personal angst I am venting because of repetitive rejection from the male population. On the contrary, I have been man-free for 2 years now. And it's a brilliant feeling. I have realized men make better friends than boyfriends, ANY DAY. (Warning: Never ever have feelings for a guy friend. It is a BIG NO NO. Messes everything up)
I am yet to see a successful relationship ( a long lasting one) within my peer group. It's just some curse, women fall for the biggest loser and men just fall. They fall so hard in our expectations from them that it's actually funny. Is it something about us? Do we bring out the latent jerk from within? Or are we that gullible that we overlook all the gaping deformities and try to love some fantasy man hiding underneath? I'm not blaming men. No, no. You're all awesome. Seriously, someone please give them a medal! No, my problem's with us. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?I, for once, would like to see a girl say 'Sorry, no, I like being by myself.' rather than fall for the first jerk that shows the remotest interest. GROW UP. It's time to kick ourselves to the stark reality that MEN ARE IDIOTS and we can do so much better for example: Genetic mutation of different qualities of different men put together to create the perfect man who will be made in multiple copies for us all.
Sigh. i like to dream. But no, seriously. We deserve better.
Also, random suggestion: watch Arthur, so so cute!

Taste the rainbow, loves.