
Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's official!

I am an insomniac!

Okay, perhaps a wannabe insomniac (i do sleep all day).
So it's 5.35 am and I choose to rant now because there is so much time to waste. No pending study/work AT ALL. :'(

5000 texts to finish.
1 Term Paper of which I wrote 20 words today(that includes my name and department and roll no.)
Also, I missed class because I over slept.
I NEVER MISS CLASS. It's one of my things. I travel 6 hours a day to do just ONE class. And I missed 2 classes yesterday! Soon I'll be in jail for stealing pencils from unsuspecting toddlers. *evil grin*
Watch out you little ninnies, your pencils are MINE.

Sigh. I'd make a terrible villain.

I am going to go find some cookies now. (no, really. Goodday Chocochips +cashew cookies= Happy Cow :D )


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Men men men

I've come to the conclusion that men are over rated. Ever since the 'Goblin Market'
class I have had the sudden re-realization that all men are just whiny, self-obsessed, narcissistic little cry babies. That's all what they do: boast,crib and cry. My recent conversation (like two hours ago) was with this male friend who wanted to whine about his girlfriend and how she has independent thought and he does not.
And, women? What's wrong with us? Look at us, why do we even succumb to these dick heads? Look, don't get me wrong. I am not a bitter old spinster living with 9 cats and a parrot (although, I will be in 20 years: more on that later)and this is not some personal angst I am venting because of repetitive rejection from the male population. On the contrary, I have been man-free for 2 years now. And it's a brilliant feeling. I have realized men make better friends than boyfriends, ANY DAY. (Warning: Never ever have feelings for a guy friend. It is a BIG NO NO. Messes everything up)
I am yet to see a successful relationship ( a long lasting one) within my peer group. It's just some curse, women fall for the biggest loser and men just fall. They fall so hard in our expectations from them that it's actually funny. Is it something about us? Do we bring out the latent jerk from within? Or are we that gullible that we overlook all the gaping deformities and try to love some fantasy man hiding underneath? I'm not blaming men. No, no. You're all awesome. Seriously, someone please give them a medal! No, my problem's with us. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?I, for once, would like to see a girl say 'Sorry, no, I like being by myself.' rather than fall for the first jerk that shows the remotest interest. GROW UP. It's time to kick ourselves to the stark reality that MEN ARE IDIOTS and we can do so much better for example: Genetic mutation of different qualities of different men put together to create the perfect man who will be made in multiple copies for us all.
Sigh. i like to dream. But no, seriously. We deserve better.
Also, random suggestion: watch Arthur, so so cute!

Taste the rainbow, loves.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oh fear.

I think I have taken up too much on my plate.
I think I thought I had a plate.
I think moving to Croatia would be a good idea.
I think I should accept the next door neighbour's proposal.
I think he's 40.
I think I should stop watching TV and inane movies now.
I think I lost Homo Ludens.
I think there are ways to know what level of stupidity one possesses.
I think I am a 10, one scale of 1-9.
I think I really need to stop writing this.
I think and I fear I'm screwed.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ma also blogs :P

This I made after a conversation with my mother yesterday. :D

p.s I did let her read my blog.
She did not like it much :|

Friday, July 15, 2011

Homo *giggle* Ludens

I do not know why I keep doing this to myself.

I download Homo Ludens.
Adobe Reader tells me it is of a mere 227 pages.
I, ecstatic, log into my Facebook account for random happy status updates.
Oh this will be a piece of chocolate cake. 227 pages, ppfft.
I get a call to recieve a package.
THE KITE RUNNER, my favourite book from my favourite uncle.
I read.
Ma grunts disapprovingly.
Fine, Homo Ludens it is. :|

I start. Page 4.
Characteristics of Play.
French words.
More French words.
English words?

I consult my class notes.
Wha..? I have no class notes.

Tan tannaa taaa WIKIPEDIA
:O what the .. sigh.

Okay okay..Homo Ludens I can do this.
WHAT? who is this Frobenius?

I give up.

Homo Ludens
I sit with it AGAIN.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

M.A *gulp*

So I did not get through JNU. Shocking, I know :P
But a friend (read: class topper) did. She isn't going.
So we're all stuck doing our MA in the same place we did our BA.
Talk about variety and spices.

Anyway, getting past 'oh i am such a douche' phase, I realise M.A's not going to be easy, so I should quit whining and start reading up on things I can barely pronounce or spell.
I have observed that in spite of the course being about English Literature, there is an awful lot of Greek, Latin and French texts.

Speaking of which, I must read some unpronounceable text right now.
Oh also there have been newbees coming in from different universities in our class. They don't talk much, just study. Gulp.
Also most of them are girls. So i am going to be single for the next two years as well.



Bai :'(

Friday, May 27, 2011

For Boo

On the very first day you said,
“Your hand is mine to take.”
The world was pink bubble-wrapped in gold,
Your hand was also mine to hold.

The second, a journey we made,
Rough, violent but never filled with hate,
You held mine firm and looked me in the eye,
“Oh boo, don’t worry you’ll be fine!”

Finally, and no one knew it then,
That you were preparing to leave us when.
It has sunk in, you are the world’s to share,
But remember this, you’ll always be mine, beloved fair

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oh woe.

Final end sem and then I graduate.Replace 'then' with 'if'.
I am not a pessimist but a realist. The impossible pending bulk of study crap I have to go through will probably not even get me a 'pass'. Pass, btw, is worse than FAIL, if you are an honours student.

Anyway, Day 1- The neighbours decide to conspire and put up speakers that exploded all hit songs of Dev, the bangali superstar and Jeet Ganguli, the banagli super music compposer. Maane ne na Maane ne na Mon. So I decided to not fight the music and danced my blues away only to realise today was wasted.

There is always tomorrow.

I hope.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Royal Blues. :'(

Rajasthan Royals are stupid.
All my hopes have died.
Elizabeth Hurley is the devil's imp.

I shall now go and weep.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Must Visit!

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

Most beautiful video ever, must go there... someday.

Sigh :')

Stagnant and growing roots

I thought after graduation everything would just fall into place.
All that fell and is falling now is my hope for success or bare minimum.
If I hear one more time: What are you going to do after your grad? I WILL UNLEASH A WHOLE WORLD OF EVIL MONKEYS ON YOU!

I am going to sit and wait and sit and wail some more. Also, WHERE ARE ALL THE MEN?
I'm disgusted and need a shower. Life is like my postcolonial course. It's illogical, derivative and contradictory.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Was going through my mother's childhood pictures.
She seemed like such a happy person, with no worries, no problems, parents to take care of everything.
I've always wanted to grow up , in the right sense of the term with a job and all the independence that comes with it.
I don't want to anymore. I do not want life. I want to be with mommy forever.
And if I do grow up. I want mommy to be there alll the time.

I dunno.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

500 Days of Summer

Have been watching movies in random.
In the mood to rant about this one.
The movie's fine. A little septical if you are [still] a believer. Santa Claus is real.
The soundtrack of 500 Days of Summer is brilliant. Espicially 'Hero' by Regina Skeptor and 'She's got you High' by Mumm-Ra

I know no one will read this, but I know everyone will and pretend not to.
No I am just nauseatingly optimistic.I've seen the Julie/ Juila Project. Sue me.

Will rant later.
Taste the rainbow cookies.